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WP Engine
Premium WordPress Hosting Solutions
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WP Engine Reviews & Product Details

WP Engine Overview
What is WP Engine?

WP Engine is the go-to name for hassle-free, WordPress hosting. It provides companies across different platforms the flexibility, agility, and intelligence to drive their businesses forward. Offering multiple integrations, it supports organizational growth and scalability and is trusted by over 120,000 users across 150 countries around the world. It also offers premium managed hosting services at accessible price points.

Company WP Engine, Inc.
Year founded 2010
Company size 501-1000 employees
Headquarters Austin, Texas, United States
Social Media
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What are the pros and cons of WP Engine?
WP Engine Product Details
Small Business
Mid Market
Deployment Cloud / SaaS / Web-Based
Support 24/7 (Live rep), Chat, Email/Help Desk, FAQs/Forum, Knowledge Base, Phone Support
Training Documentation
Languages English
WP Engine Pros and Cons
  • Impressive page speeds
  • Extensive support–reliable phone support and access to tutorials and how-tos
  • Great backup and version control features
  • Easy to use team mamangement tools
  • LImited to WordPress users
  • Has visitor limits
WP Engine Features
Backup and Restore
Bandwidth Allocation
CDN Integration
CMS Integration
Caching Options
Control Panel Integration
Cron Job Scheduling
Custom Error Pages
Customer Support
DNS Management
Data Center Locations
Database Support
Developer Tools
Domain Registration
E-commerce Capabilities
Email Hosting
FTP Access
Multi-domain Hosting
Resource Monitoring
SSH Access
SSL Certificates
Scalability Options
Security Features
Server Configuration Options
Site Migration Assistance
Staging Environment
Storage Space
Subdomain Management
Uptime Guarantee
Website Builder
WP Engine Media
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WP Engine Screenshots
Our research is curated from diverse authoritative sources and meant to offer general advice. We don’t guarantee that our suggestions will work best for each use-case, so consider your unique needs when choosing products and services. Feel free to share your feedback.
Last updated: June 30, 2024
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283 WP Engine Reviews
4.6 out of 5
Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Sep 27, 2023
Overall Rating:
Khare K.
"WP Engine excellent plugin for the popular WordPress blogging platform"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

Our company uses WordPress and WP Engine internally to manage clients' websites and blogs. It is an easy-to-use solution that ensures the security of data related to our websites. It is used for hosting and backups across the board. Our task is to oversee the routine updating of backups of customer websites. The functions that help us create and structure websites, as well as its ability to move data quickly and expeditiously, make it a very effective and robust solution for our company. Their technical support is quite good.

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

Users of the tool would benefit from receiving an e-mail whenever a major change occurs. With this feature, users would be able to receive information about new features and options.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

It takes the pressure off of us to ensure that our clients' websites are safe from harm by regularly backing them up automatically. Making daily backups is the best way to protect the confidentiality of your data. Always have a backup plan ready to go. WP Engine's constant availability of customer service is just one of the ways in which it stands out from the crowd. It could be valuable to any business, no matter how big or small it is. This is due to the fact that the cost of acquiring WP Engine is negligible, making it accessible to enterprises of all sizes.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Apr 27, 2023
Overall Rating:
Sef A.
"Best hosting management and environment switch"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

Multiple site management in one click. Domain connection is super easy. Daily backup is relaxation. Switching environment is on a click

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

Caching issue in wp engine is not good for sites.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

Very big problem solved by wpengine is we didn't use to login to multiple account for multiple sites.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Feb 02, 2023
Overall Rating:
Nick L.
E Learning
"Happy customer for 10 years"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

High performance and affordable WordPress hosting, easy-to-use interface with detailed support documents, fast and helpful customer support.

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

The limit of shared server troubles us when seasonal spike comes, and increasingly aggressive new salesperson in recent years gets a bit annoying.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

It helps my company building our online business using WordPress CMS without worrying about usual server issues in backend.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Feb 02, 2023
Overall Rating:
Tommy P.
Senior Designer
"Top tier hosting, great support."
What do you like best about WP Engine?

WPEngine is a fantastic, reliable web host. I don't know that I can even remember a day I had any site outages. Their support is top notch, willing to help with any Wordpress related question. I once had a site transferred in that had latent malware, their team cleaned the site for me within 5 hours. Backups are incredible, tons of backend options for power users and my development teams. Highly recommend this provider.

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

They are a little pricey, but that's to be expected for premium service. There are cheaper hosting options out there for sure, but the quality and customer service I get accounts for the higher cost.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

WPEngine is taking a lot of the security, infrastructure and backend nonsense out of my hands so I don't have to deal with it. I have multiple clients hosted on WPE, and I rarely have any cancel.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Jan 31, 2023
Overall Rating:
Christy T.
Creative Director
"Switched to WPEngine for the speed, stayed for the support"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

I like the speed, security, and ease of setup

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

Sometimes their aggressive cache causes problems, but that is the trade-off for fast loading sites

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

A strong partner to go along with my web design business. It's good to have a solid hosting recommendation on which I can build a site with minimal issues.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Jan 26, 2023
Overall Rating:
Pieter V.
"Great Specialized Wordpress Hosting with Best Support in Industry"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

Their live chat agents are top-notch with helping you manage your hosting, their hosting is really fast, and security is top priority - with warnings of vulnerable plugins and other measures.

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

Some of their caching can interfere with Woocommerce, but this can be overcome by asking them to exclude certain pages from their caching.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

Fast and reliable web hosting that I don't need to worry about!

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Jan 26, 2023
Overall Rating:
Jason P.
Director, Marketing Data And Technology
"Stable Web Hoster with Amazing Support"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

The support team is easy to get ahold of via live chat 24/7. There is rarely any wait to speak to someone, and then you deal with knowledgeable staff once you do.

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

I have more issues with WordPress than I do with WP Engine. The price is higher than I would like, but as I mentioned, the support you get is superior. Everyone I've worked with has been great.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

WP Engine is used to host our website. WordPress enables our marketing team to update pages with minimal dev involvement easily.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Jan 26, 2023
Overall Rating:
Alejandro G.
Web Developer
"Hosting Provider for Developers"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

One of the best things about WPEngine is its focus on providing excellent performance and security for WordPress websites. Their hosting plans come with built-in caching and security features, as well as automatic updates for both the WordPress core and installed plugins. Additionally, their customer support is highly rated and they offer a variety of developer tools to help manage and optimize your site.

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

One potential downside of WPEngine is that it is more expensive than some other hosting providers. Additionally, it is a managed hosting solution, which means that you have less control over your server settings and may not be able to customize your server environment as much as with other options. Some users also report that the migration process to WPEngine can be difficult.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

WPEngine is primarily focused on providing high-performance and secure hosting solutions for WordPress websites. By using WPEngine, users can benefit from built-in caching and security features, automatic updates, and a variety of developer tools to help manage and optimize their website. Additionally, WPEngine's customer support is highly rated, which can be beneficial for users who need assistance with their website. This can help alleviate the need for users to have a dedicated IT/DevOps team to handle the server management and maintenance.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Jan 27, 2022
Overall Rating:
Rajeev B. avatar
Rajeev B.
"Recommended for your mission critical WordPress site hosting"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

WP Engine is more of a technology company that is developing solutions centered around WordPress CMS. They have proprietary tools for migration, backups. agency billing. Armed with pro Studio Press themes that you get with your hosting for free, your WordPress site looks great that is powered by the Genesis framework. Recently, Atlas is their endeavor to make WordPress sites headless. You get almost 100 percent uptime with a 24x7 chat support. Features like one-click login to WordPress admin dashboard from WPEngine make your WordPress experience the best.

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

Pricing is on the higher side with the starter plan @25$ per month. While this is still cheap for a service that is designed for a mission critical site, most small bloggers, businesses will find it infeasible.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

Hosting our WordPress sites on WP Engine. Managing a site on WP Engine is smooth with pro StudioPress themes, 24x7 chat support and more.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Dec 04, 2021
Overall Rating:
Shishir K. avatar
Shishir K.
Deputy Manager
"Costly but good WordPress hosting provider"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

WP Engine is a good solution for building Websites, It is very fast, and users can quickly build a website on this. The best part is we can add free plugins, which adds an additional feature to the web page. We can also easily migrate WordPress websites to WP engine, which saves lot of effort. It also gives a dashboard which tells how my website is performing. The Analytics report also helps so that we can make necessary changes to the page

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

The things which i didn't like is it is costly compared to the services it is offering, person can easily choose Godaddy which offers similar features for lower cost. It also doesnt allow some plugins from the worpress and other websites which is a let down. Its UI also needs some improvement as the search is poor. If we remove cost factor then I would say its the best.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

It allow the page to be hosted in much better and faster way. It is also scalable so i dont have to worry about addiional traffic coming to my page. It also uses caching thus page loads much faster.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Nov 30, 2021
Overall Rating:
Kasey C.
Marketing Consultant
"Exception Customer Service!"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

Easy to use platform for someone who may be new to Wordpress hosting and wonderful customer service!

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

Nothing so far! I can see how some of the menu options can be confusing to a newbie, but an experienced developer would find this platform easy to use

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

Our clients are able to self host their website now so they don't have to rely on a web developer

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Nov 19, 2021
Overall Rating:
Petar C. avatar
Petar C.
"The best hosting for WordPress sites"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

It's very easy to use, and you have all you need on click, like WordPress installation, SSL, CDN, manual backup, serverside caching, 30 daily backups... And most importantly it is very stable hosting

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

You cannot host a website that was not created on the WordPress platform. Also, I had a problem with cookies (if I can remember it's blocked by default), but support solved that problem.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

WP Engine support was revert deleted staging environment after 2 weeks when I deleted it by mistake. That staging was contained big changes with over 30 working hours.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Apr 27, 2021
Overall Rating:
Inga A. avatar
Inga A.
Lead Development Coordinator
"A Glimpse into WPENGINE"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

The ease of use for backups and restores!

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

The panel can be a little overwhelming if you are not in there daily.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

We have several servers and host hundreds of our client sites on their platform - we have been using them for over 5+ years now and have been overall pleased.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Jan 25, 2021
Overall Rating:
Giancarlo V.
"Best web hosting services for our CMS"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

The hoster offers us very many options and features to customize the webspace. It is very optimized for our CMS and also offers automatic installation. Updates can be saved and done automatically.

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

The SSL certificate has given us problems before - we then reset all DNS settings with support and now everything works.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

The webhoster offers us the possibility to present our homepage well. We have done a speed check and with this new hoster we reach 70 points for mobile use and almost 100 points for desktop view. It doesn't get much better than that. The prices are also very good.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Nov 13, 2019
Overall Rating:
Isaiah J.
Marketing Strategist
"A premium web hosting solution that makes our websites load quickly and securely"
What do you like best about WP Engine?

WP Engine keeps their web hosting service simple and allows our WordPress websites to load quickly since the hosting environment is designed for WordPress. The account tools are easy to use and mostly self-explanatory in nature. We can update our core WordPress files and plugins through the WP Engine system. The pricing is good for all of the features and enhanced hosting performance that we get. The customer support is also very helpful and pleasant to communicate with.

What do you dislike about WP Engine?

I can't complain about a whole lot with WP Engine, but I think it would be great if there were more built-in visitor analytics in our standard account features. I think that some of the analytics regarding site performance aren't really that useful for us from a marketing and user analytics standpoint.

What problems is WP Engine solving and how is that benefiting you?

WP Engine gives our company an optimized web hosting environment for our websites that reduces the amount of time commitments we need for account management and maintenance. Our web pages load quickly most of the time, which I think maximizes the website visitor experience and leads to conversions in sales or increases in form sign ups or service inquiries.

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