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Google Analytics
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Google Analytics Reviews & Product Details

Google Analytics Overview
What is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a platform that runs on the internet designed to give users in-depth insight into their website traffic as well as user behavior. Google Analytics is well known for its ability to track site visitors, monitor website performance, and review user engagement so users can improve their visitor’s site experience and boost conversions.

Google Analytics is also often used as Digital Analytics of choice in Marketing and Indie Hacker tech stacks.

Company Google
Year founded 1998
Company size 10,001+ employees
Headquarters Mountain View, CA
Social Media
Managed by:
Axel Grubba
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Google Analytics Product Details
Small Business
Mid Market
Deployment Cloud / SaaS / Web-Based, Mobile Android, Mobile iPad, Mobile iPhone
Training Documentation
Languages English
Google Analytics Pricing
Google Analytics Features
A/B Testing
API Access
Anomaly detection
Attribution Modeling
Audience Insights
Automated Reporting
Behavior Analytics
Campaign Tracking
Cohort Analysis
Conversion Tracking
Cross-device Tracking
Custom Reports
Customizable Dashboards
Data Export
Data Visualization
E-commerce Tracking
Event Tracking
Funnel Analysis
GDPR Compliance
Goal Setting and Tracking
Mobile Analytics
Multi-Channel Attribution
Predictive Analytics
Real-Time Analytics
Tag Management
User Flow Analysis
User Retention Analysis
User Segmentation
Google Analytics Media
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Google Analytics 3
Google Analytics 4
Google Analytics Screenshots
Our research is curated from diverse authoritative sources and meant to offer general advice. We don’t guarantee that our suggestions will work best for each use-case, so consider your unique needs when choosing products and services. Feel free to share your feedback.
Last updated: June 29, 2024
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6,280 Google Analytics Reviews
4.5 out of 5
Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Dec 20, 2023
Overall Rating:
Richa S.
"Absolutely best for understanding the website analytics and performance"
What do you like best about Google Analytics?

The clarity it provides while understanding the website analytics and user engagement. Also, the number of filters provided to dissect the data and get in-depth details is very useful to get deep insights about users.

What do you dislike about Google Analytics?

The user experience and visual presentation of the dashboards could be improved, as with loads of data it gets difficult to read and interpret quickly. This might also lead to wrong understanding of the data.

What problems is Google Analytics solving and how is that benefiting you?

Google Analytics is helping in understanding many user engagements and actions along with other website data all in one place. This also saves a lot of time and reduces friction.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Dec 20, 2023
Overall Rating:
Volodymyr S. avatar
Volodymyr S.
Chief Marketing Officer
"Essential must-have for all SEO and digital marketers"
What do you like best about Google Analytics?

It's provided by Google directly and does the best task in terms of traffic analysis. I absolutely love that it has a huge infrastructure built around it. Love the number of options, the ease of use, and the integration. I am a daily user.

What do you dislike about Google Analytics?

With the introduction of the new 4th version of analytics, it might be a simpler side. Less tweaking is available.

What problems is Google Analytics solving and how is that benefiting you?

It helps me take informed decisions as well as monitor the amount and quality of traffic that comes to my website.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Dec 19, 2023
Overall Rating:
Richard C.
"Useful for page and session analytics"
What do you like best about Google Analytics?

The software is easy to use, easy to understand, and easy to customized. Also, provide high level analytics that are valuable to any business.

What do you dislike about Google Analytics?

Thresholding when the page or website don't get a lot of traffic. The length of data storage is also short.

What problems is Google Analytics solving and how is that benefiting you?

Evaluating campaign performance, blog performance, acquisition strategy, cost of acquisition, and optimization opportunities.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Dec 19, 2023
Overall Rating:
Eduardo P.
Associate Professor
"One of those must have tools in your digital marketing arsenal"
What do you like best about Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that is essential for any digital marketer. It provides a wealth of data and insights that can be used to improve website performance, track user behavior, and measure the success of marketing campaigns. The platform is user-friendly, easy to navigate and offers a wide range of features, such as tracking conversions, creating custom reports, and setting up goals. Overall, Google Analytics is an invaluable tool

What do you dislike about Google Analytics?

It can be overwhelming for beginners due to the amount of data and information available. It can take some time to learn how to navigate the platform and understand all of the different metrics and reports. Additionally, some users may find that the platform is too complex for their needs, or they may require more advanced features that are not available within the basic version of the tool

What problems is Google Analytics solving and how is that benefiting you?

Simplyfying data acquisition and analysis, serving as a basis for KPIs in traffic, conversions, ecommerce, acquisition, campaign, the effectiveness of different traffic channels and so on.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Dec 18, 2023
Overall Rating:
Anuj G.
Marketing Executive
"Google Analytics is the best tool for all the website conversions and events"
What do you like best about Google Analytics?

Events, conversion, added to cart, all types of sales, very easy to integrate with website, we are using this almost every day

What do you dislike about Google Analytics?

New Google Analytics 4 is bit difficult but once use understand the tools its very easy to user

What problems is Google Analytics solving and how is that benefiting you?

From Google Analytics we can solve most of the business problems. which cannot be solved by other third party platform.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Dec 17, 2023
Overall Rating:
Snehha R. avatar
Snehha R.
"Accuracy is one of the best thing about google analytics and user behaviour is not used by many"
What do you like best about Google Analytics?

User behaviour where they show how each user and gone from which page to which another feature i like is our my all campaigns are show accurate details of each user coming from which source

What do you dislike about Google Analytics?

I am not happy on how recent change of GA4 happened it took me long time to learn

What problems is Google Analytics solving and how is that benefiting you?

Undertsanding user behaviou and messuring my ads campaign better

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Dec 15, 2023
Overall Rating:
Shovon K. avatar
Shovon K.
Business Analyst & Sales Force Automation Lead
"Google Analytics helps me to understand my work progress of my website and contents"
What do you like best about Google Analytics?

Without an analytical tool, it feels like being blind and unknows to the progress. Google Analytics enebled in my website helps me to grow and make my next strategy seeing the progress of each content. Also it helps me to keep myself motivated with all the insights of visitors, impression, time spent etc.

What do you dislike about Google Analytics?

Proud to tell that I love everything about this tool.

What problems is Google Analytics solving and how is that benefiting you?

Usually I use content based and some products in my website. I use this tool to track visitor's region and which products they got interest. Then follow to maintain improvement on that specif area, work more and make that content more strong. Also it shows me my visitor insights that helps me to understand the progress.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Dec 15, 2023
Overall Rating:
Richard N.
"Why Google Analytics is a Must"
What do you like best about Google Analytics?

Very easy to install and set up, especially with WordPress and Google's Site Kit plugin. The best thing about GA is that you can clearly see how your marketing's performing and where you're traffic's coming from. But don't stop there. Optimisation, personalisation and experimentation will help you get ahead of your competitors.

What do you dislike about Google Analytics?

It's free - what's to dislike? Some people say GA4 is difficult to configure but there are plenty of very good YouTube videos that can take you through this,

What problems is Google Analytics solving and how is that benefiting you?

We use it primarily to optimise our clients SEO performance and reporting.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Dec 13, 2023
Overall Rating:
Le Anne M.
Communications Manager
"Useful to see what performs best"
What do you like best about Google Analytics?

It's easy to navigate and for the most part, i can quickly find the info i'm looking for

What do you dislike about Google Analytics?

The GA4/UA changes were tricky for my team to handle since they were used to the previous layout and where information was

What problems is Google Analytics solving and how is that benefiting you?

Our company is able to track website growth and identify which pieces of content do the best and where there are opportunities for improvement.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Dec 13, 2023
Overall Rating:
Mohit P.
Growth Marketing Executive
"Google Analytics Review: Insights and Impact"
What do you like best about Google Analytics?

I appreciate Google Analytics for its robust tracking and reporting capabilities, user-friendly interface, and the ability to gain valuable insights into website performance and user behavior.

What do you dislike about Google Analytics?

Nothing very much to say. Its really best option for free

What problems is Google Analytics solving and how is that benefiting you?

Google Analytics solves problems related to website performance, audience insights, conversion tracking, content optimization, traffic sources, mobile analytics, e-commerce data, and customization. It benefits businesses by improving decision-making, enhancing marketing efforts, and increasing conversions.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Dec 12, 2023
Overall Rating:
Mohd F. avatar
Mohd F.
Search Engine Optimization Analyst
"Unleashing Digital Success: A Deep Dive into the Power of Google Analytics!"
What do you like best about Google Analytics?

I love Google Analytics for its detailed insights, real-time tracking, and user-friendly interface. It's a powerful tool for both beginners and experts.

What do you dislike about Google Analytics?

A minor drawback of Google Analytics is the initial potential for data overload due to its extensive information. However, with some familiarization, users can navigate and harness its power effectively.

What problems is Google Analytics solving and how is that benefiting you?

Google Analytics solves the challenge of deciphering website data, offering detailed insights into audience behavior and conversion tracking. This benefits users by empowering them to make informed decisions, optimize strategies, and enhance overall online performance. Personally, it provides me with a powerful tool to understand and improve digital engagement.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Dec 09, 2023
Overall Rating:
Saqib J.
Co Founder
"Great Freemium Analytics for SMB "
What do you like best about Google Analytics?

Easy Conversion Tracking. Call Conversion Tracking. Sales Funnels Adwords Tracking Source of Traffic Bounce Rate

What do you dislike about Google Analytics?

Minor Realtime Data Accuracy Issues with Keywords driving traffic on CPC.

What problems is Google Analytics solving and how is that benefiting you?

Helped us to identify CTA Problems and Increase CRO Analyze Performance of Campaigns and helped in decision making to invest more on reliable campaigns. Spot Low Performing Keywords.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Dec 05, 2023
Overall Rating:
Alex E.
"Tem tudo que preciso!"
What do you like best about Google Analytics?

Dados precisos, principalmente com a mudança para o 4.0

What do you dislike about Google Analytics?

Não gosto das integrações, acredito que possa melhorar as tags.

What problems is Google Analytics solving and how is that benefiting you?

Está me ajudando a identificar o comportamento do usuário de forma precisa, trabalhar o funil de vendas.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Dec 05, 2023
Overall Rating:
Ashraf W. avatar
Ashraf W.
Jr. Data Analyst
"Best Platform to Track all your Campaigns"
What do you like best about Google Analytics?

Google Analytics allows users to configure Google Analytics to track and analyze all campaign running on different platforms with easy integration. Dashboarding, Real-Time monitoring with Geo data is incrediably fantastic and well working feature in Google Analytics

What do you dislike about Google Analytics?

We do face sometime minor issues like data discrepancy in exported reports with different levels.

What problems is Google Analytics solving and how is that benefiting you?

It has allowed me to track and analyze user behavior, traffic sources, real-time monitoring, Geo data and much more

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Dec 05, 2023
Overall Rating:
Harshit A. avatar
Harshit A.
Chief Executive Officer
"Valuable Insights Serving With Valuable Information"
What do you like best about Google Analytics?

Google Analytics helps me gather all of the valuable insights from my website & apps by just only one time setup, it's easy to access and friendly user interface makes working with it much and much easier. I can identify and understand my audience and their demographics clearly.

What do you dislike about Google Analytics?

Almost each and every thing is perfect about Google Analytics from simple & interactive UI to help & support content but there should be one by one customer care help for normal users too because asking on community makes it consume more time instead of direct chat support.

What problems is Google Analytics solving and how is that benefiting you?

Easy tracking for my websites, mobile applications and analytics which helps me in identifying my audience category, interests, age and various other demographics.