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Wistia Reviews & Product Details

Wistia Overview
What is Wistia?

Wistia is a specialized video hosting platform designed to cater to businesses seeking to enhance their video content strategy. With its robust suite of tools, Wistia facilitates the creation, management, and analytics of video content, enabling users to capture audience engagement and generate leads more effectively. Its user-friendly interface and advanced features, such as customizable video players and in-depth viewer analytics, make it a preferred choice for companies aiming to leverage video for marketing, sales, and customer education purposes.

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Wistia Product Details
Small Business
Mid Market
Ease of use
Deployment Cloud / SaaS / Web-Based
Support Email/Help Desk, FAQs/Forum, Knowledge Base
Training Documentation
Languages English
Wistia Features
API Access
Ad Insertion
Adaptive Bitrate Streaming
Branding/White Labeling
Bulk Upload
Closed Captioning
Content Management
Customizable Player
DRM (Digital Rights Management)
Embedding Options
HD/4K Support
Live Streaming
Mobile Compatibility
Multi-Platform Support
Password Protection
Playlists & Channels
Privacy Controls
Social Sharing
Thumbnail Generation
User Permissions
Video Analytics
Video Chapters
Video Editing
Video Hosting
Video Monetization
Video SEO
Video Scheduling
Video Transcoding
Video Upload
Viewer Engagement Tools
Wistia Media
Our research is curated from diverse authoritative sources and meant to offer general advice. We don’t guarantee that our suggestions will work best for each use-case, so consider your unique needs when choosing products and services. Feel free to share your feedback.
Last updated: June 29, 2024
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566 Wistia Reviews
4.6 out of 5
Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Aug 15, 2017
Overall Rating:
Justin L.
Marketing Operations Manager
"Probably the Best Video Hosting Software for Marketers"
What do you like best about Wistia?

The video customization features of Wistia are fantastic, including turnstile forms and its powerful integration with Hubspot and Hubspot forms. With the Hubspot integration, marketers can easily retrieve user engagement data individual videos on a per-user basis and then, also easily, wire up workflows and other marketing automation features based on that engagement data.

What do you dislike about Wistia?

I honestly don't have any negative feedback about this product. If I did, I wouldn't hesitate to put it here.

What problems is Wistia solving and how is that benefiting you?

Provided a better-looking and more user friendly interface for the user side. Tons of controls and customization options that marketers will love. It's integrations also work very well for us, including its integration with Hubspot.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Jul 30, 2017
Overall Rating:
Jack C.
Social Insights And Analytics Specialist
"Great video player"
What do you like best about Wistia?

I like the level of customisation of the video player and ability to add additional features like CTAs

What do you dislike about Wistia?

I dislike the fact that Google does not show video snippets in SERPs when a Wistia video is on page and marked up with the correct schema

What problems is Wistia solving and how is that benefiting you?

Understanding viewer behaviour, acquisition and retention through analytics

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Jun 30, 2017
Overall Rating:
Sara O.
Customer Success Manager, Team Leader
"Might just be thebomb.com"
What do you like best about Wistia?

Wistia is, firstly, very easy to use. I have a colleague that still has a flip phone and he was able to navigate it without issue. The UI is clean and the features are plentiful without bogging down the works with pointless ones. I have never had a problem uploading or replacing a video, even when my own internet connection is questionable. The customer outreach is impeccable - you don't receive emails just for the sake of reminding you they exist. They always have something practical and helpful to say, especially if you're an online business who relies heavily on video for your CSupport department. I've never been in touch with their customer service. I'm sure they're pretty cool too.

What do you dislike about Wistia?

There's not a whole lot I don't like about them.

What problems is Wistia solving and how is that benefiting you?

I use wistia to host rolling demonstrations for conferences, FAQ videos, tutorials, internal training videos. When your support team is small and you don't have two heads, sharing helpful videos can save you time and bodies in chairs.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
May 31, 2017
Overall Rating:
Drew F.
Marketing Communications Specialist
"Video Hosting & Custom Player with all kinds of Fun Integrations"
What do you like best about Wistia?

I love that Wistia allows you to choose a custom color on the video player that matches your brand! Plus I am able to integrate Wistia with all my other marketing tools. One of the features that I have seen a significant advantage would be the heatmap and video analytics broken down by viewer. We have used the heatmaps and video analytics to update videos to keep viewers engaged with our content. I would highly recommend every user to follow Wistia's blog and learning library for solid content. I have learned how to "up" my game as a marketer using video while following their blog.

What do you dislike about Wistia?

It is hard to make mention of anything that I dislike about Wistia. They provide outstanding content for all video marketers along with an superb product.

What problems is Wistia solving and how is that benefiting you?

Everything when it comes to sending a message to our target audience during a lead nurturing campaign. One of the features that I have seen a significant advantage would be the heatmap and video analytics broken down by viewer. We have used the heatmaps and video analytics to update videos to keep viewers engaged with our content.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
May 03, 2017
Overall Rating:
Jessica C.
Online & Remote Training Coord
What do you like best about Wistia?

I love the easy uploads, movability and functions. I love their videos they post as well. I have used their tips for our own production videos. I love that i can reorder and rework the videos while they are wistia. I love their silly videos and their serious videos. They have seriously helped us when shooting our videos.

What do you dislike about Wistia?

Since they are a video hosting site sometimes when uploading it takes forever. That's about it. We love Wistia and are totally blessed to have this resource.

What problems is Wistia solving and how is that benefiting you?

We are solving the fact we don't have to host our videos for our platform elsewhere.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Mar 09, 2017
Overall Rating:
Lois J.
Marketing Consultant
"Versatile tool to help make the most of video in marketing"
What do you like best about Wistia?

It's been easy to use and reliable for my needs so far. Even on the free plans there is good functionality and the basic analytics on performance you need to guide marketing efforts. I particularly like how Wistia use video themselves and the resources they make available to help educate the rest of us.

What do you dislike about Wistia?

I am mainly using the entry level products for a couple of different sites and nothing has given me any trouble so far.

What problems is Wistia solving and how is that benefiting you?

Video hosting for websites - I particularly wanted an option that didn't display other parties 'related videos' on my site and gave me good analytics and sharing options on my videos.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Jan 31, 2017
Overall Rating:
James C. avatar
James C.
It And Support Team Manager
"Awesome video hosting service!"
What do you like best about Wistia?

Simplicity. Fast, easy to use, and simple to embed. As an online business, we wanted a video hosting service that is quick and easy to upload videos to and have reliable hosting. Wistia fulfills our needs perfectly!

What do you dislike about Wistia?

We don't dislike any of the current service or features but do look forward to any new features that may come out in the future.

What problems is Wistia solving and how is that benefiting you?

Solved our requirement for an easy to use, and fast, video hosting and delivery. The biggest benefit being reliability and some nice stats.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Jan 25, 2017
Overall Rating:
Anne T.
Internet & Small Business Mentor
"Perfect For Online Video Hosting & Storage"
What do you like best about Wistia?

Wistia is a tremendous professional platform for uploading videos to share or host on your blog or website. The customer service is excellent and the platform is very user friendly. , Wistia is a highly affordable system: It offers a free version tailored for starters and small companies, and a painless transition to higher paid plans to support the growth of your activities.

What do you dislike about Wistia?

The Free version has a limit on the maximum amount of storage you can use, but it's sufficient for what I use it for.

What problems is Wistia solving and how is that benefiting you?

I am able to host my digital product videos on Wistia, then embed them withing my digital products I create. You-Tube could very well shut your account down at any time...Wistia will never shut you down.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Jan 12, 2017
Overall Rating:
Aaron T.
Marketing Director
"Wistia one of my absolute favorite companies!"
What do you like best about Wistia?

Where to even start!?! I feel that I have to mention right off the bat that the company culture of Wistia is outstanding. They are friendly, forward thinking and best of all, they let their quirky attitudes shine through in everything that they do. The product itself mirrors these same traits! It is simple and user friendly, has power analytics features that let you see how people are interacting with your site and best of all comes at a very reasonable price!

What do you dislike about Wistia?

I really don't have anything that I dislike about the product. I've never personally had any issues with it and have always been surprised by its versatility and news features added that address any minor complaints.

What problems is Wistia solving and how is that benefiting you?

This is simple--we have video content and want to control that video content on our own website. While using advanced analytics to determine how to create future content!

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Aug 27, 2016
Overall Rating:
Devan B. avatar
Devan B.
"Wistia is honestly one of the best resources I know of for business."
What do you like best about Wistia?

I LOVE the analytics that you can get with Wistia. Also, the product is TAILORED to businesses, so everything is setup so that we can get better conversion and ROI.

What do you dislike about Wistia?

Honestly... I don't think there is much to dislike. We use Infusionsoft CRM, and perhaps the integration doesn't go as deep as it does with others, but still! It's great!

What problems is Wistia solving and how is that benefiting you?

Video Hosting. Tracking. Capturing Leads. The whole shebang! Love it!

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Aug 22, 2016
Overall Rating:
Heather S.
Marketing Director & Leadership Coach
"Professional Video Training for Beginners"
What do you like best about Wistia?

I hadn't done video before and needed to quickly get trained for my new job. Wistia's vast training library walked me through each part of the process. They made it so easy!!

What do you dislike about Wistia?

I can't think of anything that I dislike about Wistia!

What problems is Wistia solving and how is that benefiting you?

We needed to create an online training program and having the ability to store our 100+ videos on Wistia, and then easily embed them onto our site has been great.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Aug 18, 2016
Overall Rating:
Lindsey G.
Front End Web Developer
"Good for Web Developers, Good for Marketing"
What do you like best about Wistia?

Clean navigation and easy functionality. As a web developer, it is extremely easy to make basic modifications to the video (thumbnail and play button colors) and embed them to any page. And the responsive sizing is such a relief - we can throw it into the page and not have to fuss with it to make it look good! The user experience of the Wistia dashboard also pleases me.

What do you dislike about Wistia?

Wistia is new to us (we have been using it for at least three months), and I am not the primary user (although I use it, the people who interact with Wistia the most are the video team), but I have not run into any problems. It fits our current needs.

What problems is Wistia solving and how is that benefiting you?

We have a lot of video content that goes on our website, goes on YouTube, and goes to our online courses. The marketing team loves how much data Wistia gathers and presents on the videos, allowing us to make quick data-driven adjustments to our content. Much better than our previous vendor.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Aug 16, 2016
Overall Rating:
Jennifer L.
Digital Rockstar/Inbound Marketing Specialist
"Great video software for tracking views!"
What do you like best about Wistia?

I love that I can look at analytics to see how long people are staying interested our videos. We then know to create more like that or tank them! We know how long we keep the attention of the viewer.

What do you dislike about Wistia?

It is hard to say, it integrates w/HubSpot so I have the ability to do just about anything. W/out the integration, you would not be able to see who is actually watching, just a location.

What problems is Wistia solving and how is that benefiting you?

My favorite is, It helps me solve my workflow problems so that I have the benefit of adjusting them by adding a video that works elsewhere or taking one out if it is not producing interactions.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Aug 13, 2016
Overall Rating:
Chad G.
Special Projects
"Wistia Rocks!"
What do you like best about Wistia?

We started using Wistia to replace youtube and other video services. What we found out is that we received way more than the free services provided. Everything just works, they are on top of 360 videos and 4K content. As simple as it is, one of the coolest things that they do is offer a video update of whats new every month at the login screen. I wish everyone did this. I never miss updates or cool new features with them. If you use video in your business marketing you owe it to yourself to check them out.

What do you dislike about Wistia?

After using Wistia for 2 years I can't think of a single thing that I dislike about them. They really do video hosting right!

What problems is Wistia solving and how is that benefiting you?

My original concern was ads from the free video services. I still laugh when I see a competitor using youtube videos and at the end you see suggestion videos that are inappropriate or for another competitor. I'm really glad they are not smart enough to move their video platform to Wisitia. Since we started using Wistia the biggest problem I've been able to resolve is the ability to replace videos anytime and not have to use an new URL. With the advanced analytics you can start over with the new video or for a minor change you can keep the analytics going. If they still have the free trial, give it a shot and see what you have been missing.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Aug 12, 2016
Overall Rating:
Dave R.
Creative Manager
"Great business video hosting service that rivals YouTube with tons of extras"
What do you like best about Wistia?

Love how easy and fun this user interface is to use. I have been able to get multiple co-workers to use this with little to no hand-holding unlike other platforms we have used in the past. The videos look great in the players (branded or not) and the feature rich customization just adds to the list of reasons we have been using this platform over any other.

What do you dislike about Wistia?

I really can't think of anything I don't like about this service. Honestly.

What problems is Wistia solving and how is that benefiting you?

We used Youtube for a majority of our video hosting and sharing but found that the excessive commercials and ads just took away from the experience we wanted on our website. So I did some research and took a shot with Wistia after reading a bunch of reviews. I am extremely glad I did. I have moved almost all of our library over and plan to move the rest in the coming months. Another benefit is the free guidance and classes/education Wistia gives away on video production and marketing. They deliver their monthly newsletter and at times daily emailed classes that really give you a lot of inside information on making your videos look better and how to market them to get a better outreach and view count. Really can't say enough about this company and their product.

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